Thursday, March 21, 2013

Are People "Smart"?

                                                                    Are people “Smart”?

People feel the need to be around “smart” people because they want to be with the person who knows more, so that they don’t feel dumb themselves. Intelligence doesn’t really matter because that person could know everything about one thing, but could be know as intelligent in another. Charlie has to deal with learning to read, write, and try to learn new things in the world. Charlie wants to be smart, because he thinks that if he can be like everyone else, he could have friends when really, he has as much smarts as anyone else. People feel they need to learn everything, just to fit in with others. Smart people always have a false name about being “too smart” or “knowing everything”. Students who are smart at one subject are always called on, or are compared to someone who is less smart. If people had the choice to rather be dumb, or smart, there would be half and half of people who want to be smart and dumb. People who would choose to be dumb, want to because they don’t want to really try their best. People who want to be smart, want to because there would be less work, and wouldn’t have to work as hard. Everyone has the same amount of challenges, it could just be in different subjects. People could fail at one thing, because they never really understood that. When people don’t understand things, people get a false sensation of that person being “dumb” when really, that person just needs help.

Jack Langley, James Bullock, Denisse Garcia

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