Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Pleasure of Throwing My Guts Up

Last week I had the pleasure of throwing my guts up. Don't we all love the flu? But once you feel better, you get a free day sitting at home skipping school and watching tv? Unless of course you never do feel better and spend the day moaning on the couch and can't eat any of the delicious cookies or mac and cheese that was made while you were sick...not to mention everyone else does AND you have to miss everything after school. Not that that happened to me.
I HATE the flu.
Anyway, my name's Molly, which I guess I'm supposed to say as if you can't see the little member photo thing that says 'Molly'. I'm Irish and Sunday was St. Patrick's Day! I finally got to wear my two foot tall leprechaun hat and our milk turned was a good day. And just so you know, if you didn't wear green I've already sent the leprechauns after you. It's too late, unless you have excessive amounts of ice cream. In that case we might be able to work something out.
Last week was MS Awareness Week. If you don't know what MS is, well, that's exactly why we need to spread awareness! MS is Multiple Sclerosis, a disease that affects a person's eyesight, makes them constantly fatigued and can cause paralysis. Lives are extremely limited and people have to give up their dreams because of MS. That's a horrible thing to have to do. No one should have to give up their dreams because of limitations brought on them by a disease. And it's a disease that we can cure if we work together! So spread awareness!
By the way, Thursday last week was Pi Day! NERDS UNITE! I hope you ate a pie in honor of the coolest number ever-3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971... that's all I know. Sorry to bring math into this hallway, but I figure since it involves pie, we're good. I made a banana cream pie that I was extremely proud of except when I brought it in to school I forgot plates and forks...we used spoons and ceram wrap. At the end, our table looked as though we'd all been sick. Banana cream has a bad color and looks a little too much like vomit. And of course that's the second time I've touched on that subject in this you can tell, I'm a delightful person.
Today's an assembly schedule. Apparently we're watching a Shakespearean play later today. I heard it's Romeo and Juliet but I also heard it was the Bard of Avon (which I've never heard of) so I guess I'll find out later. And omigosh! I always thought Romeo and Juliet was a sweet love story with the classic happily ever after (probably Taylor Swift's fault, but I'm not pointing fingers). But I was recently told that it's about two minors who fall in love and then both end up killing themselves. Are they trying ruin girl childhoods? Juliet, you're 13, you've only known him for four days, he's probably annoying and dumb anyway. Romeo, you will get over it! I have a different opinion of Shakespeare now.
So anyway, there's the bell. I leave this classroom to ABBA's Take A Chance on Me! YA!

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