Whats up my name is Dylan, I am a sports fanatic! I have lived in Park City my entire life. I have one sister, her name is Jesse. I love to ski at PCMR! I am 14 years of age! My favorite sport is football! My cousin played for the Oakland Raiders but then got cut on the final cut! The things that are my favorite to do are play sports and hang out with friends. My favorite colors are blue and orange! I like rap and some dubstep! I have played football for six years. BMX is extremely fun for me! Were I want to go to college is Boise State. My reasoning is that my cousin went to college there and played as a starter on there football team. My all time favorite football NFL team is the Green Bay Packers and will always! I also play basketball and have played for a couple years. The L.A. Clippers are my favorite basketball team and will always be! I am looking forward to playing high school ball! I absolutely love food! My all time favorite food is homemade deep-dish Chicago style pizza! The most amazing dessert is either cheese cake or chocolate pancakes covered in whip cream! My two favorite basketball players are Michael Jordan and Blake Griffin, one of these players play in the league today! On the weekends I am most likely to hangout with friends. I have a dog her name is Miley one of her nick-names is Sausage! My family and I call her that because she has a small head and skinny legs and a over sized body!
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