Thursday, March 21, 2013

Elle Francis
Lucy Medina
Dylan Shawhan 

                                                           Everyone has challenges 

No one on earth is perfect, everyone has challenges. No matter who you are, what you do or where you live, we all have problems in our lives.  Some people have different problems and some have bigger and smaller problems and some in different subjects. If this world judged everyone on how smart they are in school or in the IQ score, we would have problems. If we all judged on how people throw a football, this world would be in chaos! Everybody is different in there own ways such as writing or math, some are different in other subjects. Everyone will always have there own problems in life. I don't know about other people having their own problems. Being smart doesn't affect anyone's friendship. People can be smart in many different ways. They just don't have to be school smart. Everyone has challenges. The really smart people might not have the answers to everything. Some might be smart in sports, art, school or mechanics. It doesn't matter if the IQ says that you are dumb when you actually are smart. Their might be physical, emotional problems. Some are born with these challenges. Not everyone will be able to kick a soccer ball correctly, or throw a football correctly. No one is perfect. We all have problems. Also I do believe that smart people have friends. We all will never be perfect. That is why we call this a un-perfect world. In the end, we are all human and everyone has imperfections.

Dumb or Dumber

By: Dylan Pinkney, Molly Hanrahan and Ben Butcher

I'm just going to say off the bat that we have added a new word to the dictionary in this blog: smartness.  It's now a real word in our minds, so don't worry. It's not grammically incorrect (and yes, 'grammically' was on purpose. It was a joke. Laugh for my sake, please?).

We don't think that the smartness of a person affects how many friends they have.  Based on Dylan's personal experience, being smart does not at all affect how many friends he has. Molly believes that it doesn't matter how smart you are academically because everyone is smart in some way. Our differences and the different ways that we are smart set us apart, and that's what makes it hard to make friends, not the actual smartness. Charlie is very different because of his mental disability, so it's harder for him to make friends. Ben believes that everyone is smart in their own way, and if everyone is smart in their own way, then eventually everyone will have friends. Friends will be created because of the things/smartness that people have in common, not the smartness itself. It's those things that people have in common that creates friends, not necessarily IQ smartness.  Charlie, with his mental disability, doesn't have much in common with other people, so he doesn't have as many friends.

"Smart" people have challenges just like anybody. It may not be with school and finding a job, but they can still have challenges with their health and other stuff. For example, someone with a mental illness like Charlie could get cancer, and someone who is as smart as Albert Einstein could also get cancer. Something like being in a car crash or breaking a bone while skiing could also affect both "dumb" and "smart" people.  Everyone will always have to face challenges.  Whether they are very complicated or very easy, everyone will face them and everyone will have to conquer them.  It doesn't matter if they "dumb" and it doesn't matter if the "smart", everyone will face challenges. Also, there are different challenges that come with being smart. If you're smart, you might have more pressure on you, while if you're dumb you might have to work harder. And the opposite can also be true. Everyone has challenges, and every person's differences, whether good or bad, come with different challenges. We all just have to accept that everyone is going through hardships, and when we have it bad, we aren't alone, because others have it bad too.

Are People "Smart"?

                                                                    Are people “Smart”?

People feel the need to be around “smart” people because they want to be with the person who knows more, so that they don’t feel dumb themselves. Intelligence doesn’t really matter because that person could know everything about one thing, but could be know as intelligent in another. Charlie has to deal with learning to read, write, and try to learn new things in the world. Charlie wants to be smart, because he thinks that if he can be like everyone else, he could have friends when really, he has as much smarts as anyone else. People feel they need to learn everything, just to fit in with others. Smart people always have a false name about being “too smart” or “knowing everything”. Students who are smart at one subject are always called on, or are compared to someone who is less smart. If people had the choice to rather be dumb, or smart, there would be half and half of people who want to be smart and dumb. People who would choose to be dumb, want to because they don’t want to really try their best. People who want to be smart, want to because there would be less work, and wouldn’t have to work as hard. Everyone has the same amount of challenges, it could just be in different subjects. People could fail at one thing, because they never really understood that. When people don’t understand things, people get a false sensation of that person being “dumb” when really, that person just needs help.

Jack Langley, James Bullock, Denisse Garcia

Being Smart or Being Dumb

Would you rather be smart or dumb?

Being smart is good for your life, while being dumb (Henry) would have a hard life, not knowing anything.  When your dumb you wouldn't do any school and you would just do what you want. You will be low-lives if you choose to be dumb. If you choose to be dumb, it depends on what kind of dumb. If you don't know anything, and wouldn't worry, that's laziness, Henry and Tucker. If you choose not to do anything, because you are dumb, you would get help obviously. If you also choose to not get help. YOLO people live in boxes because they won't have education, meaning no college and no money, and the smart people would know more, meaning higher education, and more money. Meaning smart people will live in mansions while people who choose to be dumb meaning don't care about anything, don't know anything, no education, no job, but in my mind I call it laziness. While Henry and Tucker call a "chill" life.  I think that being dumb, is like having a mental disability.

 DUMB ;}
Being dumb will be more fun, you won't be as stressed. When your "dumb" (laziness) you wouldn't care about anything. Although you wouldn't be as advanced as the"smart" people. If you don't know anything, people call it an sweet life. While technically, you would have less education, like I have said less money, therefore living in boxes while having a "sweet" life. It really depends on who you are, and what kind of path you choose, either "smart" meaning jobs, money, and a real life, or "dumb."

"Intelligence" By: Chance Denison & Michael Macaalay

Written by: Chance Denison
philosophized by: Michael Macaalay
Online Rorschach Test

When people think of intelligence, they think of I.Q. and how good a person is at math or something. But intelligence isn't just that, yes math is a good thing to be intelligent at but there are many places that intelligence is important and helps with the activity or job. Intelligence cannot be determined by an I.Q. test,  it is measured on what you do best and worst, and how well you do with the said activities. People tend to think that intelligent people are a "nerd". Adding to this people tend to think intelligent people don't have friends, but this isn't true in most cases because it depends on how they act around people and if they are a little over intelligent for the person or an average person. But the few times when a intelligent person doesn't have any friends they are often referred to as a "nerd". The non intelligent people might not be good in math but has a better understanding in Science and may be misread by people and left out of groups or things like that. Like I said before some people may be good at something like art but not good at math and could be considered "dumb" because they aren't good at important subjects in I.Q. tests. But people who judge someone because they aren't good at a subject(s) because they jealous is just plain terrible. Doing this is often making fun of yourself because everyone has a hard subject(s) that they aren't exceptional at but have one amazing class they do well in. But in todays society "dumb" people are most accepted in the world because they experience more hardships than smart people according to "Normal people". But contrary to this even if you are a perfect student you will always face a few extremely hard things like bullies, huge projects, stuff like that that "normal people" only think they encounter. Overall "smart" people have a hard time like "normal" people, and always have a subject(s) that they aren't as good at as others just like "normal" people.

Smart or Dumb?

Would you rather be smart or dumb? If you were smart, you would have so much more benefits. You'll get a good paying job, and you would be able to do more things. Everyone is smart in their own ways. For example Sasha and Madi are smart in Theatre. Giovanna is smart in fixing things. Everyone has their own ways to shine. The Rorschach Test is a way to test intelligence, but doesn't show everyone's intelligence. Is this a way to determine popularity? If you are smart you can become what you wanted to be, with effort. Effort is key. You can't become smart without trying. There are lots of popular smart kids in our grade, and there are a lot of unnoticed kids in our grade who are equally as smart. Intelligence doesn't determine popularity. But it can determine who you hang out with and your likes and dislikes. Charlie wants to be smart so he can have more friends, but is that really what's going to happen?

By: Sasha Yaworsky, Giovanna Jaurrieta, Madison Carr

Smart vs. Dumb

In real life, is there really a definition of smart? What is considered "smart"? Trinity gets straight A's, but could never survive in the wilderness. There are other people who we know that do not get great grades, but could easily maneuver around in the real world. This is the same for IQ scores, is an 85 through 114 really considered average? There's is a kid in my school that is probably the smartest in our grade that is not in our "Gifted and Talented" program. It's because he is a really bad test taker. If you look at his grades he has 100% on every worksheet, every homework assignment, but he doesn't test well. There are a lot of people like that where their IQ score doesn't represent their intellectual capabilities. They might be the best painter of all time, but they get C's in math. I mean, I hear people say all the time that Leonardo De Vinci's work was a master piece or that Shakespeare developed the greatest theatre pieces of our generation. Albert Einstein was told by one of his teachers that he would never amount to anything, but look what he did amount to. Aren't they considered smart? Aren't they considered geniuses in their field?

When talking about friendships being smart or dumb does play a factor. If you take a look at the cliché movies, there are always groups that people avoid. Some say that they avoid the "nerds". Aren't they considered "smart"? So that means that smart people may not have a lot of friends. I think that you hit a point in your childhood where you realize that being a nerd isn't a bad thing. Being smart is kind of cool. I don't think that makes smart people and dumb people not be able to become friends. It's our actions and thoughts that define us, not our intellect.

By:Trinity Smithers, Carmen Cuevas, Christian Labertew.

What Makes Someone Dumb/Smart?

By: Alanna Hamill, Thomas Ryan, and Jessica Lagunas

Intelligence comes in many different ways. Wether is it street smart, book smart, music smart, animal smart, art smart, etc. Everyone is smart at something, no one is "dumb".

Does being smart mean you have more friends? It really matters on what kind of smart you are. As if you were video game smart, you spend time learning how to play and what are the good games out instead of socializing as much as you could. Like being street smart is not the same as book smart, but they are both smarts and one may have more friends than the other, possibly book will have less because they need to study a lot more and don't have time to socialize.

Is it harder to be smart or dumb? "Smart" people work harder. Like you have to play basketball more to become smarter in the game other than sitting on the side lines and being "dumb". Being "smarter" prepares you to know what is around you and how to react. For example you could be pokémon smart and go to a convention for pokémon and you would know what is around you, but before that convention you had to learn the game and study creatures. Also like when someone is math smart. They can use their "smartness" to apply it to a certain area, for example paying for the groceries and how much money they need.

"Dumb" and "smart" people both have challenges because it is part of life. You may just have a simple challenge, but you may have a harder challenges too. For example, Charlie has many mental challenges, and some professional athletes have the challenges of eating right. Everyone has challenges and everyone can over come them if they try.

Smarticle Particles.

     I think that it depends on the smart guy/girl because they might be smart and be selfish. Smart people usually like working alone since they know everything. Everyone might have a different personality, dumb people make friends and keep good friends and smart people might not have a good personality. Even though the smart people not might have good friends they would still impress other people of what they know.  On the other hand dumb people might have good friends, but they might not have good grades. Also the dumb people might not be academic but they maybe smart in other things such as  personality. A dumb person  may be very nice and interactive with other people but if your really smart you may not have as good relationships with people  and in other words be anti-social. There are many differences between smart and dumb people. Sometime there personality wil be totally opposite from another person. A very good example for a person who is dumb but has a good personality would be Charlie from "The Flowers of Algernon."  This is a good example because he feels like he is dumb but he is so nice to everybody.  A good example for a very smart person who has personality problem who be Albert Einstein.  This is a good example because as a young child he was anti-social. He didn't even talk till he was 5.  His parents sent him to a doctor because of it.  He was arguably the smartest man ever. (next to Newton of course.)  These two examples exemplify very well. Because of their personalities and the academics.

By: Cullen O. and Jaqueline Munoz

Dumb vs. Smart

Would you rather be dumb or smart? Many people think being dumb would be easier, but most people want to be smart instead. This is very interesting because so many think that dumb would be easier. Is it that as human being we instinctively want a challenge?  Or do we all think that smart translate to money, or fame, or perhaps more friends.  These are interesting questions, that probably all would have slightly different answers to. What do you think is better?

Although being dumb may be easier, being smart may be the better choice. It may not be easy making friends when you're in school, but it will come in handy for the future. You could grow up to become a doctor, finding a cure to cancer, creating the first flying car, or something else. Being smart could mean a lot and you could learn a lot. But there are benefits from both. Being smart or dumb.

I don't think it matters if your smart or dumb. If they want to be your friends they won't care if your dumb or smart they will just be your friends. Thats a real friend.

By Ingrid Iverson, Grant Gabrielsen, Lidizet Ortiz

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hi. I'm Lisa

Hi. My name is Lisa, I'm on the left of the picture on the right is my sister.  I am 13 years old, I also live in Park City.  I have brown, curly hair and brown eyes, but I like to call them hazel. My life is pretty simple, I go to school then go home, and do random things. During those random things I like to do things I like, like go shopping, hang out with friends and going shopping with them. I usually go walk around into stores and try things on. I usually do everything with friends or my family, I don't like being alone. Anyway, I like really like the color yellow and purple, my favorite food is ice cream, those are basic things about me. I also love chocolate, so that's also my favorite food. Another favorite thing of mine is my family. I also really love my family, who doesn't? I love how they don't answer their phone when I call them 20 times, but that's okay, I still love them. I spend a lot of time with my family, we go everywhere together, obviously, like  over the summer we travel across the U.S. not really. Although we still travel together, I usually travel with friends and leave my family. I find a lot more fun with friends, and I love my friends, like I said before we do everything together. Last time me and my friends traveled together, things went bad, but that's okay.

My life

Hi my name is Denise and I'm 5'3 and I'm 13 years old I live in Park City Utah I have three brothers and I'm the middle child. My favorite color is blue like the sky, and my favorite sport is football i love watching it with my family even though at this moment I don't live with my because she's in California with my brothers. and in my free times I watch movies, I love being with my friends I can get really crazy around them and weird to, and I'm mean to them sometimes, but they still love me as much as i do. and one thing I hate about Park City is the snow, and I only been in park City for like two months i had to one here with my aunt and uncle because i was being a trouble maker in California, hopefully i could get better grades here and go back to California on june. I love dogs and i like taking pictures to, and I'm a really nice person when you get to know me. I eat a lot to, i like spending time with my family and friends. I like to hear music I'm always listen to tyga and I also like dancing even though I'm not good at it i still try and that all i can say, well bye.

Me myself and I

Hey I'm Carmen and I am fourteen years old I live in Park city Utah and I love it! I have five other siblings they are all very loud but I can't Denny  I am also loud at times. I have a dog named Bella and she is yorkie mixed with maltese she is not big and we have had her for almost three years.My favorite color is purple and I love soccer it's really fun to play and family is awesome and I couldn't ask for more although my Mom isn't with me at the moment I live with my Dad and my siblings. Because my Mom is in Mexico right now. I like to spend my free time volunteering at the Christian Center of Park City.So this is all  about me, so umm bye.

The Adventures of Blonde and Blonder

Hi, and my name is Ingrid. Outside of school I love to act, sing, dance, and ski. Yesterday afternoon, I went skiing with my best friend Madison. We wanted to be rebels, so we went with all the hardcore skiers and snowboarders. We followed them into the half pipe and screamed the whole way down. We swished from side to side, are skis tipping up, the cold air rushing against our skin. I went down first, and when Madi finally came flying out, I screamed "AGAIN!"

We went up the lift again, and went down the half pipe again. After, we decided we wanted to try something new, so we headed up Eagle and started skiing down to the right. We came across a run that had a little bit of powder, and decided to go down it. There was a sign explaining something and some ropes, but there was another family going down. We decided to risk it, and started skiing down over the moguls, falling when we got into deep powder. We laughed, and looked over the cool view of the golf course. We weren't exactly sure where we were but, it was still fun. We got to the bottom to find a sign. It was either to the Silver Star lift, or to the residencies. We headed to the Silver Star lift, excited to do another run. When we got there, something wasn't right. The lift wasn't moving. It was closed! We looked around, and fell over laughing. There was no way to get back to the slopes except for to walk, which was as least a mile or two. We picked up our stuff and walked back, laughing the whole way. We finally got back to the ski resort, and headed back skiing. Lesson learned, two blondes should never go skiing together.  
Hi! I am  Giovanna but they call me Gio for short  :).  I am a very loud person I love to talk. One hobby that I like is volley ball. I am a weird child I like to have fun and laugh so hard I like to make people smile :). I also make some things awkward but my friends still laugh about it. One of my favorite boy band is One Direction I love them A lot. I am kinda shy but not as much I don't like to make eye contact with people that I don't like or people that I don't know. My favorite catch frase is " Fishy Fishy" :p.  I also like to do crazy things with my friends.
When i am not at school I love to hang out with my best friend Jessi we do the craziest things in the world.

Don't Talk Back Jack.

Hi there, My name is Jack Langley.

I am fourteen years old, and I have lived in Park City, Utah all my life. I was born in Salt Lake City and moved to Park City. I currently go to school at Treasure Mountain and I am in the 8th grade. I am in two band classes, Concert band, and Jazz Ensemble. I play the Alto Saxophone and have been offered to go Junior Varsity Jazz Ensemble next year. I live in Jeremy Ranch, just above the street from Ben Butcher. I have lived with my dad all my life, while my Mom lives in Tucson, Arizona. I love to make artwork out of Spray Paint. I am one of the kids in school who snowboards, but I’m not the best at it. I used to play golf all the time, but then I picked up music and that is my new favorite thing to do. I am almost six feet tall, I have a dirty blondish hair. I love listening to Country, and most music. I have one brother, Sam Langley, who goes to college at Weber State university. My brother and I have a very strong bond, and get along very well. I will turn fifteen on September 21st.
Hi my name is Jaqueline, but I usually get called Jaquy. In English I get called Wacky Jaquy.  I don't know why, but I think I get really crazy. I am in 8th grade living the life of a young teenager.  One of my favorite boy bands are "The Wanted" they make the best songs ever! My favorite hobby is soccer and volleyball they are the hobbies I usually play at my house or with friends. If you really got to know me you would know that I am a very loud person that likes to laugh all the time and make friends or family members smile, I like having fun, and always make a wrong mistake for example distract people when they are working ect. I love my friends when they are sad I'm always there for them. I am working on zipping my mouth while in English class because Mrs. Hooker will FREAK OUT! I love to be mexican because it's what I do and always be doing. My friends are usually small (Fun Size) but who cares were friends and we are living young wild and free. My best friends I can really trust is Jessic, Giovanna, America, Lidizet and my cousin Sailen.

It's Always the quiet ones in class!

Even though I tend to hate blogs from lonely people making their day the most important thing in the world, I hope being forced to do this may be exciting!

Hello to you all, my name is Chance and I hate this so far! My favorite hobbies are playing video games, because they allow you to enter a whole new world to forge it into a world of my own. Second in the list is leather crafting. This is tied with video games for first because of the possibilities of making almost anything you want, whilst reinforcing your memory of what goes where. Last on my list of the ones I am willing to show is, DRUM ROLL! Writing in either of my two novels in progress. I love writing because you can make things EXACTLY like you want, and make everything you could dream of real! Now to get to my personality. I am a nice and kind person on the outside, but am a dark insane, pyromaniac that dreams of how he could take down the United States government. Though I am not actually trying to destroy the U.S. I really wish that congress here could make a decision to benefit everyone. I listen to heavy metal mostly, yes I do. But unlike most stereotypical heavy metal listeners, I am a nice looking person NOT a gothic person who complains about nobody is able to understand heavy metal. I just think it has a nice beat and rhythm. No, I am not a large football player getting everything they want. I am a small person that proves people wrong when they insult me about my concussions making me pathetic. Enough of that though, I can be a nice person if you get to know me and we have similar interests. I love running track, and really anything that requires heavy physical activity. Which goes to my hope that one day I will be able to serve in the U.S. marine core! Over posts you will get to know me but for now I bid you farewell, but for now I like this!

P.S. I love to use old english to enter and exit rants, posts etc.

The Pleasure of Throwing My Guts Up

Last week I had the pleasure of throwing my guts up. Don't we all love the flu? But once you feel better, you get a free day sitting at home skipping school and watching tv? Unless of course you never do feel better and spend the day moaning on the couch and can't eat any of the delicious cookies or mac and cheese that was made while you were sick...not to mention everyone else does AND you have to miss everything after school. Not that that happened to me.
I HATE the flu.
Anyway, my name's Molly, which I guess I'm supposed to say as if you can't see the little member photo thing that says 'Molly'. I'm Irish and Sunday was St. Patrick's Day! I finally got to wear my two foot tall leprechaun hat and our milk turned was a good day. And just so you know, if you didn't wear green I've already sent the leprechauns after you. It's too late, unless you have excessive amounts of ice cream. In that case we might be able to work something out.
Last week was MS Awareness Week. If you don't know what MS is, well, that's exactly why we need to spread awareness! MS is Multiple Sclerosis, a disease that affects a person's eyesight, makes them constantly fatigued and can cause paralysis. Lives are extremely limited and people have to give up their dreams because of MS. That's a horrible thing to have to do. No one should have to give up their dreams because of limitations brought on them by a disease. And it's a disease that we can cure if we work together! So spread awareness!
By the way, Thursday last week was Pi Day! NERDS UNITE! I hope you ate a pie in honor of the coolest number ever-3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971... that's all I know. Sorry to bring math into this hallway, but I figure since it involves pie, we're good. I made a banana cream pie that I was extremely proud of except when I brought it in to school I forgot plates and forks...we used spoons and ceram wrap. At the end, our table looked as though we'd all been sick. Banana cream has a bad color and looks a little too much like vomit. And of course that's the second time I've touched on that subject in this you can tell, I'm a delightful person.
Today's an assembly schedule. Apparently we're watching a Shakespearean play later today. I heard it's Romeo and Juliet but I also heard it was the Bard of Avon (which I've never heard of) so I guess I'll find out later. And omigosh! I always thought Romeo and Juliet was a sweet love story with the classic happily ever after (probably Taylor Swift's fault, but I'm not pointing fingers). But I was recently told that it's about two minors who fall in love and then both end up killing themselves. Are they trying ruin girl childhoods? Juliet, you're 13, you've only known him for four days, he's probably annoying and dumb anyway. Romeo, you will get over it! I have a different opinion of Shakespeare now.
So anyway, there's the bell. I leave this classroom to ABBA's Take A Chance on Me! YA!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Have you met Alanna?

I was born with the name Alanna. I go to a barn where I ride my horse and goof around called Tally Ho Farm. When I am at the barn we have so much fun! There is a pond in the front with things that have never ever been discovered and if someone ticks Jade off enough, they are thrown into it. One day my friend got me super mad, and the pond was frozen so I threw her deodorant into a pile of horse crap. She used it after... sad, I know. I run, swim, and ski when I am not with my friends or riding my horse. My dad's side of the family all shares a house in Maine. I basically grew up Maine, but I was born in Salt Lake! I have lots of friends living in Maine. Every time I do something stupid, they are always there doing it with me. Best friends don't let people do things stupid... alone. In Maine we do some dangerous stuff! We created a game called "Coving". My friend, Chase has a whaler boat. A bunch of friends and I go on his whaler and stand on the bow of the boat and tie the painter around our waists. Someone powers up the boat and we all try to stay on! It is the stupidest thing ever, and super dangerous, but so much fun! I am an awesome person to be with! I am the life of the party! The party doesn't start till I walk in the house! Oh one more thing... How I Met Your Mother is the best show ever! Barney Stinson is my inspiration to not be a boring human being. I have a few last words... Suit up!

Ski Run To Nowhere

My name is Madison, and I'm a 14 year old girl living in Park City! My favorite thing to do in my free time is, sing, hang out with friends, and ski! Yesterday I went skiing with my best friend Ingrid.  We went to PCMR and had such a blast! We are daredevils so we tried the half-pipe. I'm pretty sure that Ingrid almost had a heart attack. We screamed the whole way down and almost got our tips over the sides! After this we decided to explore the Eaglet Lift. On the right side of it, there was a new run that had never been open before. It looked sorta powdery so we went for it. Us being two blondes, we forgot to look at the sign before the run. We were talking about how cool the view was, it was the golf course. We didn't take much notice to it so we continued down the run toppling over every 5 seconds. We got to the bottom super pumped because we just finished the long run to see that the only lift there was closed. We were now in this weird hotel area, by the golf course, and at least a mile away from the main area. We looked at each other and toppled over laughing. Well, there was nothing we could really do so we packed up our stuff and starting walking all the way back to the resort. We tried to find our way through neighborhoods and it had to be at least a 15 minute walk. Ingrid and I complained the whole time, but just kept laughing. Finally we made it back to the half-pipe, and skied away out of breath wondering why a run would even be there if the lift was never open! This is what happens when two blondes are alone. Life lesson learned, ALWAYS read signs.

Review: Romeo and Juliet

As you probably all know, we saw the play Romeo and Juliet on Tuesday, so I figured I might as well write a little review of it.

Like all of Shakespeare's work, it was very well written. The actors were very good at the parts that they played, and whoever did the casting is good at their job. The costumes were creative in adding a somewhat more modern feel to the production, even if the script was still in Shakespearean english. The one thing that stood out in my mind negatively was the backwards cap that one of the characters wore. I think that they were creative in finding many ways to use the one large prop that they had, the bridge, to create the mental image of different environments. As I said earlier, the cast was superb. They were good at acting and they were very convincing for each of their roles. The additions that were made to the script were also good, and funny at times. I think we all laughed when Mercutio is stabbed and he collapses against the wall and just says, "I'm hurt."

In all seriousness, I believe that for the small number of people and props that were involved, this was a fantastic play.

Rating: 8/10

My life in three words luge, school, phones

       Hi, Im Grant,  I live in Park City, UT and I'm an 8th grader at TMJH.  My school is pretty small and crowded, but the teachers make up for it.  My favorite teacher is Ms. Hooker she is very nice and funny.  She accepts my handwriting and lets me type things.   My handwriting is very bad.  You can't even read it most of the time.  Luckily I can type fast.  It is nearing the end of the year meaning 3rd quarter, but it doen't feel like it because school is in full swing.
       My favorite sport it luge.  I train five days a week with my team of around twelve kids.  Next week I am going to Lake Placid, NY for nationals.  I am exited, but it is a new track that I have never been on so am really nervous.  I am not really even sure who I will race, if anyone.  This is my first year on the team and I just got a 23 kilo sled.  That is all good except I can't race from Jr. Start there with a 23 kilo sled, like I have been training for here.  There might be other kids in placid in my situation, I could race them but it is a big if. It will be cool weather I race or not just to train there for a week.  It is where the Olympians train before the olympics.
       I also like phones, I always want the biggest and the best.  I currently have the Lg Optimus G, it is a quad core, 1.5 ghz phone.  It is almost as fast as the computer I am using right now.  I recently switched to that from a dual screen phone that was awesome, but kinda slow.  I also like to play games, but I normally play games on my phone because it has as good graphics at the xbox 36o. I even have a controller for my phone.  So really my life can be summed up in three words,  luge, school, and phones.

Fish Mcbites

My name is Natasha Last Name is too Complicated to Spell. Do you like my picture? It's pretty great. I skipped a grade so I'm younger than almost EVERYONE in my grade, so I'll be the last person to be able to drive when I'm 16. I'm 13 years young, #yolo #jk but today is my half birthday, so I'm actually 13 and a half. A lot of people think I'm a crazy cat person, but I actually like dogs just as much! I love to act and dance, but I mostly play volleyball. I love playing on the front row, because that's where the most action is. The saying "Bump, Set, Spike" is actually not right, it should be "Pass, Set, Hit." I just want to play volleyball all of the time, the games are so exciting! Check out my team's website: Elevate Volleyball. Do you like my picture? I was in French class. No, I can't speak much French. I just know some words and some sentences. One more thing, I love hashtags and the Mcdonald's Fish Mcbites theme song. Fishy Mcbites, Mcbites. Fishy Fishy! Don't eat Fish Mcbites, though. I don't encourage that. Just listen to the song.  #love #fish #mcbites #theme #song #fishy #fishy

Dylan the villain

Whats up my name is Dylan, I am a sports fanatic! I have lived in Park City my entire life. I have one sister, her name is Jesse. I love to ski at PCMR! I am 14 years of age! My favorite sport is football! My cousin played for the Oakland Raiders but then got cut on the final cut! The things that are my favorite to do are play sports and hang out with friends. My favorite colors are blue and orange! I like rap and some dubstep! I have played football for six years. BMX is extremely fun for me! Were I want to go to college is Boise State. My reasoning is that my cousin went to college there and played as a starter on there football team. My all time favorite football NFL team is the Green Bay Packers and will always! I also play basketball and have played for a couple years. The L.A. Clippers are my favorite basketball team and will always be! I am looking forward to playing high school ball! I absolutely love food! My all time favorite food is homemade deep-dish Chicago style pizza! The most amazing dessert is either cheese cake or chocolate pancakes covered in whip cream! My two favorite basketball players are Michael Jordan and Blake Griffin, one of these players play in the league today! On the weekends I am most likely to hangout with friends. I have a dog her name is Miley one of her nick-names is Sausage! My family and I call her that because she has a small head and skinny legs and a over sized body!


My name is Dylan T. Pinkney. I am 5'10" and I am 13 years old, in 8th grade. My hair is ginger and I am pale. My personality is classified as quiet-ish, weird, and smart. My favorite food would be muffins. I was born in Salt Lake City, but I have always come to school in Park City, and eventually my parents got tired of driving up the canyon every day so we moved up here. One of the most important details about me is that I hate the snow and everything that has to do with it, which kind of makes me different from everyone else who lives here. My interests include... most everything that your stereotypical nerd is interested in. I spend my days watching Star Trek, playing video games, and doing a home fitness program for my morbidly obese cat. I also enjoy writing things, and not letting people read what I write unless I have to. My two favorite classes in school are Social Studies and English(obviously). I have an aversion to math because there are just too many guidelines and rules. With other subjects it isn't like that as much. My favorite elective is band, but I don't really count that as a class. One of the things that even I don't understand about myself is my hatred for toasters. I don't know why, but just the thought of a toaster makes me sick.
My room is red. And filled with books. And the floor is covered in cat hair. I am a cat enthusiast you see, and I have a very, VERY fat cat named Howard the Ripper. He makes a point to drop as many dead critters on me as he possibly can, and when I freak out and flip the corpse off me, he eats it. He has never had worms though. He does gain a lot of weight, and he is 35 pounds. For whatever reason, he doesn't hate me for putting him on a treadmill and making him do exercise.

I am also a grammar nazi, meaning that I scour the internet and correct people's grammar.
So that is pretty much all there is to tell on the first post.

Titles are for chumps. I'M NOT APART OF YOUR SYSTEM!

I don't feel like taking a picture of my face right now... But I like this one... So we'll use it. 
My name is Trinity... But I'm pretty sure that most of you knew that. I have weird quirks like sometimes I make weird noises because I get bored. I enjoy photography. The only issue with this is that my friends do not like it when I "photograph" them. So its mostly just pictures of me or my cats.
Speaking of cats I have three (meow).
On the left is Cleo and on the right is Olive... I like Olive the best, plus she likes me.
None of them like each other since they are all girls, which means that they cat fight. I don't like their fights 'cause the fat one always wins. Anyways, when I get bored I post videos on the internet. My most recent one was exploding a slurpee onto the ground. It was blue and awesome. Sometimes I put pictures onto my wall in my room because I like memories and hate reality. The possibility of the future scare me!!
One of the coolest trips I've ever been on was the summer of 2012. I flew from New York City to Rome, Italy. It was awesome because we stayed in this cool place. My mom said she saw the french ambassador or something... but I don't know who that was. I saw all of the tourist stuff, but I really liked it when I got to go and sit on the steps and watch people. Then, our awesome driver took us to pompeii. My mom wanted to show me this awesome place... But I liked the Nutella gelato. The next day we took a train to Venice and I had a panic attack. My mom felt bad so she let me buy 7 venetian masks.
I really like dinosaurs because I like the word "RAWR!!". Poems are cool too... I wrote one in Chinese this morning instead of watching the movie. Next to my bed I have some weird stuff on my bedside table. I have scissors and a jar of biscoff spread. Also, I have a lot of books. OH! How could I forget about my mason jar full of glow sticks and spoons.

Thug Life

My name is Jameson and I enjoy sharing my wonderful experiences with any wonderful lad willing to listen. I would like to start off by letting you know a little bit about me. Some things that I like to do are play sports such as Basketball and Football. I also, enjoy cooking, my favorite things to cook are usually desserts, I make a mean cheesecake and am fond of showing my skills with a nice banana
flambé. Although it may seem that I am very calm and tranquil I do take pleasure in being what some may say is "cray". Another thing I get a kick out of is eating wonderful food such as Craft Mac n' Cheese and some delightful ramen with a nice glass of lemon water. Usually I am very literate but when I am with my gangsta bra Benny B I turn into someone like him and act like a G strait out of the hood and live the thug life where we party all night. After my home dawg and I party it up we usually go out to one of our other hommies cribs and B-Ball it up. The last thing that I take pleasure in is going to a nice spot and watching the beautiful sunset after a long hard day with Benny B. #playa #thuglife #beast #ballin #G #gansta

Sup Dawg I'm Ben Ben

Yo, sup bra I'm Ben Butcher or Ben Ben according to Ms. Hooker.  There are Five humans including me in my family.  I also have one puppy named Gunner.  Right now I'm the 8th grade class president at Treasure Mountain Junior High.  It would be really cool if I was the student body president at Treasure Mountain, but next year I will be attending Judge Memorial Catholic High School.  Go Bulldogs!  I love playing sports especially golf, lacrosse, skiing, and football.  Over the summer I love to water ski and wakeboard in St. George, Utah.  If you tell me about an out door activity than eventually I will probably try it.  I forgot to tell you about my best friend!  His name is Domino and he is a stuffed Dalmatian with light blue spots.  I love him and I have had him since I was just a couple of months old.  My friends are awesome and they're really cool!

If you want to hear my favorite motivational speech search: Why Do We Fall - Motivational Video on

Here's a poem:

My name is Ben,
It rhymes with hen,
Nothing much else except for den,
I use to be ten!

I'm going to judge,
Not to be a judge, (haha funny joke)
I'm really going so I can be a pudge and eat fudge, (that's what Ms. Hooker says)
Please make sure you don't hold a grudge.... On me.

I have a friend named Marta and she's a kool kat,
MEOW! She doesn't wear many hats,
I think she is cool,
Don't worry she's not a tool.

I thought I would end with a couple of hashtags:

#YOLO #yoloswag #swag #myswagneverstops #thuglife #skiingbra #laxbro #Ilovemyfriends #Mr.Tshowedmethis #Ilovesports #thesportslife #judgememorialcatholichighschool #imlefthanded #ohben #peaceoutbra